Lone Wolves Die

A podcast by Roman Wyden

This is the most recent podcast I have been on and one of my very favorites.  It's called YOU. LOVE. LIFE. by Roman Wyden.  We cover a wide range of vital human topics including intimacy, mental health hacks, wolves and most importantly why it is absolutely vital we start transforming our teams into tribes.  Click here and take a listen and I'd love to hear what you think!

Redbull Esports

This is a great video of a Redbull sponsored esports team learning how to collaborate with each other to hunt big game and win championships. Click Here for video.

Voyage LA Magazine

This was a really fun interview for Voyage LA magazine and gives a good overview of some of my current work.

Click here for the article.

Venice Paparazzi

This is a great article and video of my work from some truly excellent Tribespeople. Thanks for the great day!

Click here for video and article.

Africa adventure anthropology

Lessons from Africa

I had a chance to live and partner with the Masai this year and the lessons I learned were not only transformational but also transferable. Let's turn our teams into tribes.

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The time of the lone wolf is over

A linked in article

This is a short article on linked in that covers a few of the absolutely vital life human hacks that I have learned from wolves.  And it's powerfully applicable and relevant right now in the face of epidemic rises of work dissatisfaction and disengagement as well as clinical anxiety and depression.  If you are a leader of people you need to learn these three vital things.  Please click here to take 5 minutes to learn the wisdom of wolves.

This is a great conversation on The Whole Life Challenge

podcast hosted by one of my main men, Andy Petranek.  Get ready for some inspiration and journey into fitness, motivation and how to life a 'life in full'.  Take a listen and upgrade your operating system a little bit!

Wolves of war

This is a blog on the Raven Drum Resiliency Foundation. It is focused on the veteran issues as the role they play as the canary in the mental health coal mine of America.

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