Take the Hero’s Journey of transforming your team into a tribe.

Anthropologist Philip Folsom has been an industry leader in executive coaching and culture development for over 20 years. He is a regular instructor for USC’s Marshall School of Business and has presented at over 50 major universities across the world. Blending his groundbreaking work as an anthropologist, expertise in wolfpack behavior, and extensive experience in leadership development, he has discovered new ways to get people and teams to tap into their highest performance.

Philip’s speaking engagements and workshops are highly engaging, humorous, and powerful explorations of the ancient mysteries of humanity that can have transformational impact on the health and high performance of today’s organizations.

Learn the 3 Master Maps of Humanity and unlock the secrets of sustainable team health, happiness and high performance.

“Philip, your presentation rocked the house and was a tremendous hit. Thanks for being the best part of our program.”
— ANDY WALSHE Director, High Performance Department, Red Bull

3 reasons to choose Philip as the speaker at your event.

  1. Twenty five years of direct experience as an industry leader in the field of leadership and culture development make the talks action and outcome focused for immediate and long-term growth.

  2. Highly immersive, experiential components to all his talks and engagements. Prepare to actually go on the Hero’s Journey!

  3. Customized Themes focus each talk to a specific industry challenge and group of people. Let’s get legitimate, sustainable growth!

Popular Themes of Recent Presentations

“Be the Hero of Your Own Story”

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Themes and Topics

  • The Hero’s Journey

  • Group development process and knowing the future

  • Overcoming resistance

  • Taking risks

  • Choosing growth

  • Networking and finding allies

  • Powerful decision making

  • Death of things that no longer serve us

  • Transformation and the return with treasure

“A Tribe is a Human Wolfpack”

Themes and Topics

  • Common Vision and Values

  • Sports psychology and elite military units

  • Trust and Safety

  • Healthy Conflict and giving feedback

  • Accountability and collaboration

  • Group to team to tribe

  • Creating a high performing tribe

  • Healthy cultures create healthy humans

  • Trophic cascade

“It Takes a Tribe to Hunt a Mammoth”

Themes and Topics

  • Archetypes and the power of diversity

  • Collective intelligence

  • Honor vs Pride

  • Common vision and values

  • Trust and risk taking

  • Innovation

  • Healthy conflict and accountability

  • Collaboration

  • Human optimization

“Fight in the Shade”

Wellness is the #1 Driver of High Performance

Themes and Topics

  • Human Optimization

  • Flow state

  • It is no Measure of Health to be Well Adapted to a Sick Society

  • Meditation and mindfulness

  • Stress reduction

  • How to use our brains

  • Morale leads to retention

  • Lifestyle and culture

Lone Wolves Die; the risks of isolation.

This is one of my favorites and well worth listening to. We went really far on this one! Click on image to listen...

Whole Life Challenge Podcast


Redbull Glimpses 2017

The Time of the Lone Wolf is Over

In June of 2017, Philip Folsom spoke at the Redbull Glimpses Conference, a High Performance and Human Potential Development conference that shares approaches and often unpredictable stories behind how the best in the world succeed, and the pathways that broaden our collective understanding of the true capacity of human potential.

veterans on the move - Podcast

Build Your Tribal Systems with Army Veteran Philip Folsom

Army veteran Philip Folsom is a Cultural Anthropologist and Culture Development expert. He is the co-founder of SPARTA, a PTSD and suicide prevention program for warriors.

Philip Folsom’s reputation in the team development world is legendary. His in person events, seminars, and experiences, have dramatically improved the lives of over 500,000 people teaching the importance of peace, power, and sacred purpose.